New Appeal total value Report

There has been few changes to the Appeal total value report as of 4/11/2024. 

The Layout of the Appeal Total value report has been changed.



The first set of data shows total employees, total donations, total appeal value (excluding matching) and including matching to the top the report page. Whose color coding has been changed from black to Green.

“Total no. of unique Donors“ = display total number of unique donors who donated to the appeal.

“Total no. of donations" =  the count of all the donations

Appeal Total Value ( Excluding Matching)= Addition of donation amount from (pledge+ unconfirmed donations + confirmed donations )

Appeal Total Value ( Including Matching)= pledge+ unconfirmed donations+confirmed donations+ Matching donations )



Breakdown of donations as per donation Life Cycle

II) Pending Employees:-

These employees are awaiting approval from the payroll portal to be included in the payroll.

Change the text to:-

Platform only recognizes pledges from the Employees approved in the payroll portal. Please see the Employee tab in the payroll portal for the list of pending Employees.

Color code the pending employees currently is teal color to red color.




III) Pledges:-

Description of the pledges: “ Total number of pledges currently Live in the platform which will be processed in the next pay run.”

a) Instead of #Unique Employees change the Label to:- “Total no. of unique Donors“ and display total number of unique donors who donated to the appeal.

d) # Pledges:- Instead of total Donations can we change it to “Total no. of Pledges“ and display the count of all the donations

e) #Pledge value -> Total Amount of Live Pledges




IV) Unconfirmed Donations:-

These donations are awaiting confirmation from the payroll team.





V)Confirmed donations:-


Approved donations:-







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