How can I see how many of my employees are donating to fundraising pages

To view the number of employees at your organisation that are donating to a Fundraising Page, run the following report in the Good2Give Workplace Giving - Employer Giving Centre.

  1. Sign in to the platform, ensuring you are in the Employer portal, not the Employee or Payroll portal
  2. Click on Reports 
  3. Click on Fundraising report

This report is used to gain insights on your organisation's fundraising activity.

Define your filters

Before you can generate a report you'll need to set some parameters. You can filter by:

  • Fundraising pages by Charity
  • Location (by state only)
  • Employee payroll name
  • Fundraising pages by Event

You can constrain the list of fundraising pages to only show pages where they have Workplace Giving activity (pledges or donations) from the selected date:

View and export the report

Once you've defined your filters:

  1. Click Run Report

You will be shown the summary view of the fundraising pages, see table of fields below:

Report Field Description
Page URL The website URL for the fundraising page
Page Target The fundraising page target set by the page creator
Employee Donation Value of employee donations processed in the Good2Give Workplace Giving platform (via their pay) for this fundraising page
Company Matching Value of company matching donations processed in the Good2give Workplace Giving platform for this fundraising page
Other Donations The value of donations for this fundraising page that were not processed via the Good2Give Workplace Giving platform (e.g. Credit card donations made directly on the Gofundraise site)
Total Donations The total raised for the fundraising page, combining donations made within the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform and directly on the Gofundraise site.

View the donation details for a selection of fundraising pages.

  1. Using the check box next to the URLs in the Page URL column, select the page (or pages) you wish to view more detail
  2. Click Show Donation Details for selected Fundraising Pages
  3. You'll be shown more details on your selected fundraising activity.  

See table of field results below.

Report Field
Workplace Giving Pledges - # Unique Employees
The count of employees who have a donation pledge for the fundraising pages selected, that has not been processed in payroll yet.
Workplace Giving Pledges - # Pledges
The count of pledges for the fundraising pages selected, that have not been processed in payroll yet.
Workplace Giving Pledges - Pledge Value
The total value of pledges for the fundraising pages selected, that have not been processed in payroll yet.
Workplace Giving Donations
Unconfirmed Donations -
# Unique Employees
The count of employees who have a donation  for the fundraising pages selected, that has been included in a payroll that has not been finalised (confirmed) yet.
Workplace Giving Donations
Unconfirmed Donations -
# Donations
The count of donations for the fundraising pages selected, that has been included in a payroll that has not been finalised (confirmed) yet.
Workplace Giving Donations Unconfirmed Donations - Donation Value
The total value of pledges for the fundraising pages selected, that has been included in a payroll that has not been finalised (confirmed) yet.
Workplace Giving Donations
Confirmed Donations -
# Unique Employees
The count of employees who have a donation  for the fundraising pages selected, that has been finalised (confirmed) by payroll.
Workplace Giving Donations
Confirmed Donations -
# Donations
The count of donations for the fundraising pages selected, that have been finalised (confirmed) by payroll. (Only employee donations, not including company matching donations)
Workplace Giving Donations
Confirmed Donations -
Confirmed Donation Value
The total value of donations for the fundraising pages selected, that have been finalised (confirmed) by payroll. (Only employee donations, not including company matching donations)
Workplace Giving Donations
Confirmed Donations -
Matching Donation Value
The total value of company matching donations for the fundraising pages selected
Other Donations -
Other Donation Value
The total value of donations for the fundraising pages selected that were made directly to the Gofundraise page, not via the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform (e.g. Credit Card donations etc)
# Total Employees
The count of employees who have a pledge or donation for the fundraising pages selected.
# Total Donations
The count of pledges and donations for the fundraising pages selected (Only employee donations, not including company matching donations)
Total Fundraising Value (excluding matching)
The total value of pledges and donations for the fundraising pages selected. (Only employee donations, not including company matching donations)
Total Fundraising Value (including matching)
The total value of pledges and donations for the fundraising pages selected, including company matching donations.
Total Fundraising Value (including matching and other donations)
The total value of pledges and donations for the fundraising pages selected, including company matching donations and donations made directly to the Gofundraise page (e.g. Credit Card donations etc)

If you would like the results in CSV format click Export in the top right corner

I can't see a fundraising page that one of my employees has created

If no employees have donated to the fundraising page using the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform, then it will not show in the report.

You can find the fundraising page directly on the Gofundraise website.

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