v1.2.1087- Workplace Giving Platform Release Notes - 07/08/2024

Release Version: v1.2.1087
Release Date: 07/08/2024

This release includes one new feature and two bug fixes:

New Features:

  • Fields are made non-mandatory

State & Title / Salutation fields have been made non-mandatory across the entire platform and it applies to all the CSR payroll and the charity. The changes have been made to the new arrivals and changes file from the payroll portal and SFTP. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Employees without state

Employees who don't have a state would not be included in the payroll deduction file and were not allowed to make donations, this has been fixed now.

  • Typo in volunteer & post-tax matching

The typo displayed in the email's body in volunteer and post-tax matching has been fixed.

Please contact workplacegiving@good2give.ngo if you have any questions.

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