Release Version: v1.2.1098
Release Date: 08/01/2024
This release includes two new features:
New Features:
- Verified batch email and admin invoices with a $0 amount will not be sent
A new validation is placed where emails with invoices with a total value of $0 that are currently being sent to the client's moving forward will not be sent. This includes the Batch verification invoice email and the Admin costs email. The email sending notification of the deduction file being ready will be sent even if there is a $0 total amount.
- Volunteer & Post Tax Matching Label Update
The default value for the Grace period for the Last financial year restrictions in Volunteer and Post Tax Matching is set at 0 and the label for the Grace period text has been updated to the Grace period (In months) to make it clearer.

Please contact if you have any questions.