Workplace Giving Platform Release Notes 2022.6.1

Release Version: 2022.6.1 
Release Date:    01/09/2022

This release includes three new features:

New Features:

  • Advanced Matching

The Workplace Giving Platform now provides special campaign matching options for donation activity types. Donations can be matched at a nominated percentage by your organisation for a defined time period.  Organisations can also nominate dedicated Organisation and Employee caps for Special matching to constrain matching to your organisation budget.

Donation Activity Description Org.
Employee Cap Time Period
Organisation Appeal Special matching for donations made to an appeal setup by your organisation.
Appeal duration
Fundraising (Events)
Special matching for donations made to Go Fundraise event pages or individual fundraising pages associated with a Go Fundraise event.
Custom date range
Fundraising (Individual) Special matching for donations to individual Go Fundraise fundraising pages.
Custom date range
Post Tax Special matching of offline donations which have been requested by online submission for post tax matching.
Custom date range
Volunteering Matching Special matching of volunteering hours which have been requested by online submission for corporate matching.
Custom date range
  • Appeals - All Charities

Organisations can now link all available charities to an appeal.  Donations made to any charity within the appeal time frame are included the appeal activity reports.

  • Donor Thank You Email

Hygiene update to exclude historical donations older than 45 days.

 Bug Fixes:

  • Volunteering Matching

Label update to Evidence of volunteering section.  The label now requests evidence of volunteering rather than a receipt.

 Please contact if you are interested in these features.

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