Why can't I sign in?

If you are having trouble logging into the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform, try checking the following suggestions:

Check your login details

  • Visit the sign in page and check the username you entered is your full email address, e.g. name@mail.com
  • Check that caps lock is not turned on when typing in your password, as the password is case sensitive

Forgotten your password or account locked?

If you have unsuccessfully attempted to login to your account 3 times your account will be locked for 30 mins.

If you can't wait 30 minutes before trying again, you can choose to reset your password by using the forgot password steps.

What if I am using my companies Single Sign On (SSO)?

If you are required to login to the Good2Give Workplace Giving platform via your companies Single Sign On, then you will need to check the appropriate steps to reset you password with your employer

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