How do I re-hire a terminated employee?

Employees that have been terminated in Good2Give, can be made Live again by using the 'Import New Employee List' and 'Import Employee Changes' functions within the Payroll Centre.

Import File:

When generating the import file, make sure that the employee 'payroll ID' in the import file matches exactly with the payroll ID of the terminated employee. 

For 'Employee Change' files, ensure the Employee Status field is set to 'Live' for the employees that need to be re-hired.  The rest of the values/fields from the import file will overwrite the existing values/fields of the employee profile. Once the import is completed, the employee will become Live again.

For 'New Employee' files, if you import an employee that is already terminated, it will update the employee back to 'Live' status.

For details on how to bulk import employee records, refer the article How to bulk import employee records.

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