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Home Workplace giving Donor Donor What are the benefits of donating through Workplace Giving? Making a donation to your favourite charities via workplace giving has so many gr How do I sign in to the platform? Visit the sign-in page and enter your email address and password to gain access. When do my donations get processed? Donations are processed by Good2Give, whether they are Workplace Giving donations How do I change my donation? To change a donation you have made in the Good2Give Giving platform you need to: I can't find my charity, how can I add a charity so I can donate? If you have searched for a charity you would like to donate to and found that it' Has my charity received my donation yet? Once your donation has been deducted from your pay or process via credit card the Where do I sign up to start giving? Each organisation that is registered with the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform Are workplace giving donations eligible for tax receipts? Good2Give Workplace Giving donations don’t require tax receipts as they are Pre-T How do I find an event to support? Sign in to the platform Select Fundraising Click Find a fundraising event Selec How do I make my donations anonymous? When making a workplace giving donation with Good2Give, you have two options for I think there was a problem with my donation. Who should I contact? If you believe your workplace giving donation has been deducted in error, please If I go on leave what happens to my donations? You want your donations to continue If you go on extended leave and want your don Can I make a child sponsorship donation? Yes. Within the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform there are many charities that How do I find out the (payroll) cut-off date for donations to be included in the next pay cycle? Sign in to the platform Click on My Giving Click on My Giving History The payroll How can I update my details on the platform? Sign in to the platform Click on your name on the top right-hand side to get a dr How do I request to add a new charity? Requesting a charity on the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform will waive the ch Why can't I sign in? If you are having trouble logging into the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform, t How do I review my current and historical donations? Donations can be viewed in the Good2Give Giving platform via the following method My donation amount looks wrong, have I been deducted more? Donations processed via Good2Give's Workplace Giving platform are distributed to What happens when you make a donation? When you decide to donate to a charity or cause you care about, you set off a cha How does Good2Give secure my credit card details? Processing credit cards via Good2Give Giving platform When you make a donation vi When will my credit card donation be processed? Your credit card donation will be processed based on the credit card payment opti How do I change my credit card? Changing your credit card is easy! First click the 'My Giving' tab in the Workpla What happens if my credit card expires? If you have a credit card payment method stored in the Good2Give Giving platform, I have lost my credit card donation receipt. How can I get a new one? Once your credit card has been charged you will receive your donation tax receipt What types of credit cards can I use to donate? Good2Give's Giving platform, allows donors to make donations using either Masterc How do I make a donation using my credit card? Making a credit card donation To make a credit card donation via the Good2Give Wo How do I make a recurring donation using my credit card? 1. Sign in to the platform (see this article for Sign in steps). 2. If you are ch Will my credit card donation will be matched? Donations made via the Good2Give Giving Platform may be automatically donation ma I can't submit my registration - submit button greyed out When registering for the first time on the Good2Give Giving Platform, you are ask